Sunday, July 5, 2009

Memory Book Video Clip - Malawi 2009

Click here to see George and Jill of World Relief introduce the Memory Book project to HIV/Aids families in Chitipa, Malawi in June 2009.

Memory Books in Chitipa, Malawi

Friday, July 3, 2009

oneLife at a Time

I was sitting on a mat outside of a one room mud brick home in Chitipa, Malawi – thousands of miles away from my two story, 4 bedroom home in Chicago. The husband and wife both have HIV/Aids, and they have a six-week old daughter.

We had arrived there to do a home visit to encourage them, pray for them, and deliver gifts of sugar, oil and soap. We were asked to take pictures of us giving the gifts to the family.

It felt like a photo-op – white, rich girl gives to poor. I was overwhelmed and uncomfortable with the poverty, sickness, and sadness of all that I had seen. I just wanted to run back to the comforts of my home – far away from all of this.

The next day, we were helping HIV/Aids families make memory books. (I have been scrapbooking since I was seven years old, so I was thrilled when I was asked to be a part of this project!) We brought instant cameras and film to take pictures of the families. We also had scrapbooks, supplies & questions to answer that would help them capture their family history, traditions and desires. I also found out that these books would also help by serving as a “will” that would help them to preserve their land and home after death.

We had about 20 families to show up to do their books. One of those was the women with the six week old baby that I had visited the day before. I had no idea that I would ever see her again. We greeted and hugged each other.

We made progress with each of the family’s books, and then we told them to return the next day with other family members that they would like to have pictures made or to bring photos that they might have at home, so that they could add them to the books.

The next day, my lost luggage arrived, and it contained all the extra scrapbook supplies – including alphabet stickers. All of the participants wanted to put their name in their book using the stickers.

At one point, I walked over to the women with the six week old baby, and she was spelling out her name in stickers: R-A-B-E-C-C-A. How many women in Africa have my name? I can’t imagine very many. I felt like God was saying to me…I know that you are overwhelmed with all you have seen, but I am asking you to bring hope to one person at a time, and I am confirming that by connecting you with someone else that has your name. I don’t think that she will forget me, and I certainly will not forget her.

I (we) can't individually tackle the global or continental or even country-wide problems of AIDS, poverty, or lack of drinking water that exist in our world, but if we all help one person, we can make a difference - oneLife at a time.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


In Power of a Praying Wife, these were some of the words I read back in 2003, "God has called you (me) to something too. But it will fit in with whatever your husband's calling is, it will not be in conflict with it....the timing to do what God has called each of you to do will work out perfectly, if it's submitted to God."

At that point, I knew that we were being called to Chicago and I knew that God was definitely calling my husband into full time ministry, the Willow internship and seminary. I had NO idea what He was calling me to - other than to support him and my kids.

Soon after we moved, I attended Willow's Small Group conference. Dan Allender was speaking, and he said, "Your whole story matters to God."

At that moment, something deep inside me shifted. My WHOLE story matters? Even the dark, & ugly parts? The parts that I had buried deep in my soul? Is it possible that those parts matter to God?

At that point, I began to dig into my life story. I wrote it down, and I spoke about the details with my small group. I began to wrestle with the bad parts. I even signed up for a six week class at Willow Creek to bring one especially dark & dreary part of my story into the light.

I had heard the word redemption many times, but I had never experienced it. Never really understood what it meant. On two seperate occassions, I felt lead to share a part of my story with an "almost" stranger and at another time with a friend. My story struck them deep in their stories and over time, it helped them to began to work & wrestle their darkness into the light. That's what redemption is - God using all the parts of our story - good and bad - to bring healing and restoration to the world.

Months later, I began to have a sense of being "overwhelmed" - by life, friendships, & raising kids. My husband, Jay, suggested that I was building into many people and that I should have someone to build into me. He suggested that I contact Sibyl Towner. For days, I talked myself out of really needing any help. One day, Jay called and said that he was praying for me and that he didn't want me to dismiss the idea.

That gave me the courage to send an email to Sibyl. She emailed back to say that she would meet with me. She was "Director of Spiritual Mentoring"! I had no idea that I had gone straight to the top. We met. I discussed my overwhelmed state. She listened or at least, I thought she had.

Within a week of our first meeting, she emailed me that she was working on a project with Sharon Swing, and she asked if I would be interested in meeting with them. Did she hear a word I said? I don't need a project. I have enough of my own!

When I met with them, their project was about writing a book with visual maps that would helping to process their life story - the good and the bad! Without hesitation, I jumped on board. I couldn't believe that I would be on the ground floor on this amazing project.

I have now been working with Sharon and Sibyl for 4 years, and the book is called, "Listen to My Life." We are on quite an adventure now with the distribution of the book, doing retreats, teaching classes, etc. and I know that this was God was referring to in Power of a Praying Wife - God had called me to something to, and it fits in with my husband's calling and it is not in conflict with it. (Check out for information on Listen to My Life.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Go to Chicago! January 2003

In 2002, my husband, Jay, sold his business and began to work at our church as an interim pastor. He LOVED the job, but he was told that he would only have the job until they found a qualified seminary graduate. During his time at our church, they sent him to Willow Creek Community Church for an Evangelism conference. He heard about the three year Internship program that they offered - a seminary degree, ministry experience, and inner journey work. It sounded good, but we lived in SC and this was in Chicago. Not possible.

Jay returned home to tell me about it and it lodged in my heart. A few months later, he got the call that our church had found the perfect candidate and that his job would not last very much longer. He decided to call Willow Creek again to learn more about the Internship. They said that we should come to Chicago in a couple of weeks for the Internship training weekend. Jay mentioned that to me and I said, "NO!!!! You check out all the other seminaries and other opportunties. If after a few months, you still are interested, I will go with you."

Right after that, Jay went a way for a previously scheduled hunting trip with some of his friends. The first night that he was away, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. This was highly unusual for me. I had very young children at the time, so they were typically the only reasons that I would wake up in the middle of the night. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

The second night of his absense, I woke up again at 4:30 in the morning. Not 4:25. Not 4:32. Again, I rolled over and returned to sleep.

The third nite, again a 4:30 AM wakeup. I finally tossed back the covers and said, "OK God. What is it?"

I sat in my red chair - the place where I most often read and pray. The Power of Praying Wife was open on my chair to Chapter 9 - His Purpose. So I began to read, " Everyone has purpose. It's the reason we exist. When he discovers that purpose, and is doing what he was created to do , becoming what he was created to be, he will find fulfillment. This can only contribute to your happiness as well." I kept reading and began sobbing. As I continued to read, it was as if God was writing with a black Sharpie on the pages of this book, "Go to Chicago!"

Jay called me later that day, and I told him what had happened. A week or so later, we left our little children to attend the Internship training. Throughout the weekend, we felt very sure that we were to continue to pursue this option - all the while praying that God would close the door.

A few months later, we packed up our 40 years of life in South Carolina. We left our families, our friends, our church and our home and everything that we had ever known.

We have now been at Willow Creek for 5.5 years. My husband, Jay, is on staff at Willow Creek and I have been blessed to work on Life Story materials with some amazing women for the last several years.

It has been a hard journey, but an amazing journey too. We wouldn't trade all the money in the world for the blessings and opportunites that we have had following God down this path. More than we would have asked for or imagined.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Scrapbooking in Africa?

Since I worked on getting balls, bibles and t-shirts for the kids of Chitipa, Malawi in the Fall 2008, my heart has been thinking of Africa. For so long, I have said, "God, please don't send me to Africa." Probably not what most people fear, but my Aunt Neale (my given middle name and my daugther's first name) was a missionary there for 42 years, so I guess that the idea has always been in the back of my mind.

Recently, I asked my husband, Jay, about the idea of working in Africa and he said that we are of more help to them here, because we can mobilize people and resources here to help them there.

Last weekend, Jay & I had dinner with Stella, who works for our church in Malawi. I told her that I as considering being apart of the serving trip in June. Jay asked Stella how she might want me to serve. Stella said, "Do you like arts & crafts?...Would you be interested in helping AIDs families do scrapbooks?" She continued by talking about how the children are left with nothing once their parent(s) die. They have no pictures to keep and nothing to hold on to.

Well, I could have just fallen out of my chair. What Stella didn't know was that I have been scrapbooking since I was seven years old. It is part of who I am and who God made me to be, but I have never dreamed that it could serve a kingdom purpose...until now.